Technical Excellence in Martial Arts Training is one of USMAF's top priorities. As Leaders in the Martial Arts, it is our sacred responsibility to ensure that all our students receive the best possible "Mentoring" both in technique and philosophy of the Martial Arts.
Martial Art Training is the cornerstone of knowledge and the basis for credible self-defense skill and the perfection of human character. Training in a comprehensive taxonomy of Karate Skills is the "Key" by which the USMAF’s Members develop their Martial Art Proficiency and exercise the collective capabilities required in self-defense or competition. Martial Art Training builds Character Development and, when necessary, prepares the Karateka to "Win" if or when confrontation (or combat) cannot be avoided.
While Senior Yudansha determine the direction and goals of training, it is the Dojo Sensei (& Assistant Sensei) who ensure that every training activity or class is well planned and rigorously conducted. These Rank Requirements are designed to guide and assist the Sensei to accomplish his or her goals in teaching the UNITED STATES SHOTOKAN KARATE TM system. The USSK TM Rank System is divided into twelve separate divisions of training to include:
The United States Martial Arts Federation (USMAF) TM, along with the USA Karate Federation, United States Ju-Jitsu Federation (USJJF) ® & Martial Arts International Federation (MAIF), have established the training doctrine & guidance. The Dojo Sensei should apply these guidelines and assist the USMAF Leadership in the further development & conduct of UNITED STATES SHOTOKAN KARATE TM Training. These USMAF Rank Requirements provide the training & promotion guidelines for USMAF Sensei & students in the areas of martial art history, traditions, techniques, strategy & terminology. From these Rank Requirements, the USMAF will formulate and publish a comprehensive training manual and videos for the USSK TM System.
These USSK Rank Requirements provide the training & promotion guidelines for USJJF Sensei & students in the areas of martial art history, traditions, techniques, strategy & terminology. From these Rank Requirements, the USMAF has formulated and proudly publishes this comprehensive training manual for the US SHOTOKAN KARATE TM System.
Note - This Manual compliments the Kanazawa Shotokan Karate Books.!! This Manual provides the Sensei or Student with the "Details" of USSK Rank Requirements, while the Books provide Excellent Illustrations of the Required Skills for USSK Certification & Promotion..
Language - English (With Japanese Terminology), 46 Pages.
Several "sample" Pages are displayed..
Includes Rank Requirements for White Belt thru 10th Dan Red Belt.
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"USAJJF", "USA JIU-JITSU" , "USAJJ" and Our Logos are Registered Trademarks of the United States Ju-Jitsu Federation, Reno, NV USA